Smaller firms set pace in export stakes
Despite ongoing global problems, businesses in the Leeds City Region (LCR) reported increases in both exports and forward orders during the first quarter of the year, according to the latest LCR quarterly survey. Across the region sales were up by four per cent and forward orders ahead by seven per cent.
However, performance varied greatly across the region with confidence more buoyant in the service sector than among manufacturers.
Companies in Leeds, York and North Yorkshire posted the biggest improvements with sales and orders up seven and 10 percent respectively on the previous quarter. In Bradford orders were down by one per cent but forward orders ahead by six per cent. In Mid Yorkshire overseas sales remained the same butforward orders were u by five per cent on the last quarter.
While research confirms that exporting companies are more resilient than ones relying exclusively on the domestic market, two-thirds of LCR are not involved in marketing their goods or services abroad.
The survey found that increasing numbers of smaller companies are batting above their weight in the export stakes with improved overseas sales.