GCC Trade Forum 2021

1 September 2021


In partnership with the Arabian Enterprise Incubators and the British Centres for Business UAE, Chamber International is pleased to invite you to join the GCC Trade Forum 2021 taking place on 1 September 2021.

A unique opportunity to explore the Middle East as a business destination.

  • Get insights, advice and support from our UAE, Saudi Arabia and UK-based market access experts
  • Discover what opportunities exist for your product or service in the GCC region and learn how to get started 
  • Join like-minded businesses in a Middle East export community, learning from each other's experience



9:50am - 10:00am

Sign in

10:00am - 10:05am

Welcome and speakers introduction

10:05am - 10:15am

Current political and economic relations, and update on the UK-GCC FTA negotiations

Simon Penney, Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for the Middle East and Her Majesty’s Consul General Dubai

10:15am - 11:00am

Interview and panel discussion

Key topics:

  • Current business environment in the GCC region and what to expect in the short and medium-term
  • Opportunities around export and investment in the Middle East
  • Emerging sectors in the GCC region and immediate opportunities
  • Healthcare sector in the UAE – Biggest operators, trends and opportunities, routes to market
  • Expo 2020 / District 2020
  • Fintech, Innovation & Digital Transformation 
  • Role of technology in the development of Vision 2030
  • Case studies


  • Simon Penney, Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for the Middle East and Her Majesty’s Consul General Dubai
  • Joe Hepworth, CEO and Founder of the British Centres for Business
  • Stuart D’Souza, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer of AEI Saudi LLC
  • Norman Mckenzie Richmond, CEO of Emirates Hospitals Association
  • Chris Hafner, Managing Director of Sullivan & Stanley

11:00am - 11:25am


11:25am - 11:30am

Introducing GCC Market 1-to-1 Clinics & close of event

David Attia, Senior Associate, Chamber International 


GCC Trade Forum 2021 - Simon Penney, Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for the Middle East and Her Majesty’s Consul General Dubai  

Simon Penney, Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for the Middle East and Her Majesty’s Consul General Dubai

Simon's remit is to drive the UK’s trade and investment ambitions across this dynamic region, overseeing trade promotion and investment, trade policy and UK export finance. 

Simon and his team work across 12 countries to identify opportunities for greater collaboration and opportunities for UK businesses and enhance our relationship with governments. He is also responsible for deepening bilateral ties with Dubai and the Northern Emirates.

GCC Trade Forum 2021 - Joe Hepworth, CEO and Founder of the British Centres for Business  

Joe Hepworth, CEO and Founder of the British Centres for Business

Working with the British and Dubai Governments from original concept stage in 2013, he successfully established the BCB in 2014, since which time it has been DIT’s official delivery partner in the UAE.

In 2017, Joe oversaw the BCB’s acquisition by OCO Global, and has also been serving as OCO’s Middle East Director since that time.

Joe moved to the UAE in 2007 and has subsequently managed hundreds of inward investment & market entry projects in the region.

GCC Trade Forum 2021 - Stuart D’Souza, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer of AEI Saudi LLC  

Stuart D’Souza, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer of AEI Saudi LLC

Stuart has spent the last 14 years living and working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, building a unique understanding of the complex and challenging Saudi marketplace.

In 2013, he co-founded AEI, a consulting and support services business, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and serves as the CEO. Since 2013, AEI has flourished and supported over 1200 companies to achieve success in the Kingdom.

Through AEI, Stuart is regularly contracted to provide consulting advice and guidance to both governments and companies, and has worked as an adviser to the Ministries of Defence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE.

GCC Trade Forum 2021 - Norman Mckenzie Richmond, CEO of Emirates Hospitals Association  

Norman Mckenzie Richmond, CEO of Emirates Hospitals Association 

Norman has extensive international management and people management experience with full Board-level and P&L responsibilities gained in stock-exchange listed UK & AIMS-listed PLCs and private software companies.

He is a mentor and adviser to international public and private sector clients (politicians, government Ministers, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies), , and a director with over 25 years of experience gained in a client-driven environment - within government relations, public and private/public healthcare, software and outsourcing industries.

GCC Trade Forum 2021 - Chris Hafner, Managing Director of Sullivan & Stanley  

Chris Hafner, Managing Director of Sullivan & Stanley

Chris is an internationally recognised speaker on strategy, innovation & digital transformation also a BBC News Contributor on the role of technology in the health sector.

Chris is a Managing Director for the Middle East and North Africa region at Sullivan & Stanley, a strategy and transformation consultancy.

Chris is a Fellow at the UK Institute of Directors and sits on the Advisory Boards of GIANT Health and LatentBridge, an AI Platform start-up.

Originally from Chicago, Chris now resides in London but spends most of his time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Venue: Videoconference via Zoom

Date: 1 September 2021 

Time: from 10:00am to 11:30am

Cost: FREE to Chamber International clients & Chamber of Commerce members 

£47 (excluding VAT) Non-Regular Customers / Non-Chamber Members

Click here to book your place.


1-to-1 clinics with in-market specialists also available


Book your 1-hour slot here


Click here
to see our booking terms and conditions.