Mid-market manufacturers most successful exporters in Yorkshire and Humber says BDO LLP report

Mid-market manufacturers are the most valuable exporting sector in Yorkshire and Humber, selling £1.3bn of goods overseas each year, says research by accountancy firm BDO LLP.

Yorkshire and Humber is the only UK region where the export value of medium-sized manufacturing firms is higher than for consumer markets or financial services, accounting for 32.5% of all exported goods and services from the region.

Consumer markets, which include retail, wholesale and leisure companies, are close behind on at £1.2bn. Professional services come third  with a value of £470m, less than half the two leading sectors.

In total, the region’s medium-sized businesses export more than £4bn annually. In spite of totalling below 1% of all firms, they’re responsible for £1 in every £4 exported from Yorkshire.

Even so, Yorkshire’s mid-market is trailing other regions for overseas sales with the North West having a £6.4bn export value and the West Midlands and East England valued at £6.3bn.

Partner and head of BDO LLP in Yorkshire, Terry Jones, says: “About 75% of all mid-market exports take place outside London and the South East but the Government’s focus is still heavily with the City of London. 

"As policy makers strive to rebalance the economy, it’s important to recognise that regional mid-market firms contribute significantly.  What’s exciting, but frustrating, is that they’d have even more growth potential if the right support was in place.

“There’s considerable appetite for international expansion among local firms.  It’s now up to the government to put the right policies in place and give these companies the tools to thrive.“