Latest news
An updated digest of import and export news.
Chamber Announces Trade Mission to Dubai
WNY Chamber, and its international division, Chamber International, are to lead a delegation of businesses to Dubai and Abu Dhabi in order to strengthen links between our region and the Gulf state.
New Mandatory Requirements for Morocco Certification
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Kingdom of Morocco has formally announced the mandatory implementation of the new PORTNET Platform effective December 2, 2024.
Red-Letter Day As Asia-Pacific Trade Deal Starts
“There are few multi-national trade agreements like this one. It connects us to a fast-growing region of the global economy and will create new opportunities for both inward and outbound investment.”
UK counting down to CPTPP entry into force
CPTPP which will enter into force for the UK on 15 December 2024, will be the first free trade agreement between the UK and Malaysia.
Chamber International Welcomes Business Administration Apprentice
Chamber International is proud to welcome a new member to the team - Ezra Gallagher.