Chamber Announces Trade Mission to Dubai
23 December 2024
West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, and its international division, Chamber International, are to lead a delegation of businesses to Dubai and Abu Dhabi in order to strengthen links between our region and the Gulf state.
The Chamber will lead the delegation to the United Arab Emirates in early February.
The Chamber is working alongside partner institutions including HSBC, the British Embassy UAE, British Chamber of Commerce Abu Dhabi, British Chamber of Commerce Dubai (BCCD) and Corporate Business Services (CBS) to deliver a programme of events that will range across multiple sectors.
The visit follows the Chamber’s hugely successful trade mission to New York City in May 2024 which resulted in a raft of deals and transactions between the United States and businesses in the region.
Dubai was selected for our next mission following consultation with Chamber members.
As the third most visited city on the planet, Dubai has a GDP worth more than $170 billion and is a global epicentre for real estate, trade and financial services.
James Mason, chief executive of West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “The message we got from our members about where we should next lead a trade mission could not have been clearer.
“Dubai is one of the wealthiest cities in the world, it is home to more than 70 shopping centres and the world’s largest building, the Burj Khalifa.
“In July this year it unveiled a plan to create the world’s largest food and drink hub, one of many sectors at which Yorkshire excels.
“We are looking forward to another successful mission that will forge new and strengthen existing commercial links between the two territories. My thanks to our partner agencies in making this happen.”
The Chamber will be joined on the trade mission by a number of the region’s leading businesses including Schofield Sweeney Solicitors, RJJ Software, Nasreen Karim, LOVE IN CARE, Madison May, Tudor International Freight, University of Bradford, Sound Leisure, F. B Parrish and Son Ltd, Data Stream UK, Wodar, Aqua Interpreting Group, ITC, Nasar Hussain and Marske Hall Country Estate.
The trade mission will take place between February 9 and 14, 2025.
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