What barriers do you face when trading with the US?

27 November 2014

To help it get the best deal for European companies in on-going negotiations on a trade and investment deal with the US, the European Commission is keen to gather information about any barriers which firms are currently facing when trying to do business with the States. 

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a free trade agreement that is presently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States.

The aim of the Partnership is to boost both economies, by making it easier to sell products and services across the Atlantic – especially for small and medium sized enterprises.  It could mean that the customs duties that customers – or potential customers – in the US have to pay on the products which EU firms export there are eliminated.  On the other hand, those importing products from the US could find that the duties that they pay on those are removed. The deal should also make it easier for EU companies to comply with health, safety and other administrative requirements in the US.

The Commission is inviting companies to give their feedback via an online survey.  As well as asking for general information about the nature and size of their business, the survey includes questions about whether the firms have come across any rules or procedures in the US that have negatively affected their business and what these barriers might have cost them.

To find out more about the survey and how to take part, please contact amy.whitehead@wnychamber.co.uk

The deadline for taking part in the survey is 15th December 2014

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