Trade courses taken online by Chamber International to help combat Coronavirus pandemic

20 April 2020


All international trade courses have been taken online to help people keep safe by avoiding gatherings during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The move to start online courses, conducted by Chamber International’s experienced trainers, follows health safety advice from the World Health Organisation and public precautions, including home working, requested by the British government due to the pandemic.

The online courses cover a broad range of international trade topics, including some to help businesses prepare for Brexit, and are available internationally. The courses are interactive and use professional videoconferencing technology.

Chamber International director, Tim Bailey, says: “This move will help people keep safe by avoiding gatherings during the Coronavirus pandemic.

“As well as being more cost effective, with a reduction on the usual fee of up to £120, online courses, reduce the need for face-to-face meetings, are better for the environment, eliminate travel time and avoid additional costs such as parking fees.

“The huge upheaval created by Coronavirus highlights that we are all interdependent. This is epitomised by international trade, which will remain crucial to help revitalise ravaged international economies after the pandemic recedes and as the EU negotiates international trade agreements.”

Many other Chamber International services, including telephone advice and documentation services, are operating as usual. 

Chamber International helps hundreds of new and experienced exporters throughout the UK and overseas with a wide range of specialist services to make exporting easier and more cost effective.


See full online training programme here


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