Temporary export restrictions on certain categories of critical medical supplies in response to COVID-19: legislation list by country
31 March 2020
*The list is not exhaustive and is regularly updated based on the official information provided by countries.
Country |
Language |
Title |
Entry into force |
Uploaded on |
Argentina |
Spanish |
Decreto 301/2020 (Decree 301/2020) |
19/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
Belarus |
Russian |
????????????? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ?? 17 ????? 2020 ?. ? 149 (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No.149, 17 March 2020) |
17/03/2020 |
26/03/2020 |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
??????? 8?-01-141/20.03.2020, ????????? ?? ??????? ?? ????????? ?? ???????? ?????? (Decree 8B0-01-141/20.03.2020 on the export ban on quinine based medicines) |
20/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
Brazil |
Portuguese |
18/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
Portuguese |
18/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
Colombia |
Spanish |
Decreto numero 462 de 22 marzo 2020 (Decree number 462 of 22 March 2020) |
22/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
Costa Rica |
Spanish |
Ministerio de Hacienda, Directriz DGA-003-2020 (Ministry of Finance Directive DGA 003-2020) |
18/03/2020 |
31/03/2020 |
Czech republic |
Czech |
Na?ízení vlády 104/2020 SB o zákazu distribuce lé?iv v souvislosti s epidemií viru SARS-CoV-2 (Government Regulation No. 104/2020 Coll., on prohibition of distribution of medical supplies in connection with the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic) |
17/03/2020 |
27/03/2020 |
Ecuador |
Spanish |
Prohibición temporal de exportación de mascarillas de protección (Temporary export prohibition on protective masks) |
02/03/2020 |
25/03/2020 |
European Union |
All EU languages |
14/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
19/03/2020 |
27/03/2020 |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
OGYÉI / 18413-2 / 2020, Tájékoztatás hydroxychloroquine-sulfat hatóanyag és az annak felhasználásával gyártott gyógyszerek Magyarország területér?l kereskedelmi forgalmazás keretében történ? kivitelének tilalmáról (OGYÉI / 18413-2 / 2020, Announcement on prohibition of export from the territory of Hungary of the active substance hydroxychloroquine-sulfat and medicinal products manufactured with the aid thereof) |
24/03/2020 |
27/03/2020 |
India |
English |
Notification No.47/2015-2020 on Amendment in Export Policy of Personal Protection Equipment/Masks |
08/02/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
English |
25/02/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
English |
03/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
English |
19/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
English |
24/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
English |
Notification No.54/2015-2020 on the Amendment in Export Policy of Hydroxychloroquine |
25/03/2020 |
25/03/2020 |
Kazakhstan |
Russian, Kazakh |
?????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ??????? ? ????? ???????????? ??????????????? ?????????? ????????? ?? 20 ??????? 2020 ???? ? 56-?K "? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????????????? ??????" (The Order of the Head of the Committee of the quality and safety control of goods and services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 20 February 2020, No56-NK "On the ban to issuing licences for the export of the means of individual protection" |
20/02/2020 |
25/03/2020 |
Kyrgyzstan |
Kyrgyz, Russian |
????????????? ????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 3 ??????? 2020 ?. "? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ????????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??????????" (Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 3 February 2020 "On the introduction of the temporary export ban on medicines and medical equipment from the Kyrgyz Republic" |
03/02/2020 |
25/03/2020 |
Malaysia |
Malay |
Perintah Kastam (Larangan mengenai eKsPort) (Pindaan) (no. 2) 2020 (Customs (Prohibition of Exports) (Amendment)(No.2) Order 2020) |
20/03/2020 |
27/03/2020 |
Morocco |
French |
Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de la Réforme de l'Administration - Administration des Douanes et Impôts Indirects, Circulaire 6021/311 (Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administrative Reform, Customs and Indirect Tax Administraiton, Circular 6021/311) |
03/03/2020 |
31/03/2020 |
Norway |
Norwegian |
Forskrift om tiltak for å sikre forsyningen av legemidler, medisinsk utstyr og personlig verneutstyr som følge av utbruddet av koronaviruset (Regulation on measures to ensure the supply of medicines, medical equipemnt and personal protective equipment following the outbreak of coronavirus) |
30/03/2020 |
31/03/2020 |
Pakistan |
English |
Order S.R.O. 239(1)/2020 on amendment to the Export Policy Order 2016 |
24/03/2020 |
30/03/2020 |
Paraguay |
Spanish |
Decreto No 3455 por el cual se crea el registro de exportadores y se establece el régimen de licencia previa de exportación de productions e insumos medicos sensibles, en el marco de la emergencia epidemiológic (Decree 3455 on the creation of the export register and the licencing regime for the export of sensible medical products and supplies within the framework of the epidemiological emergency) |
13/03/2020 |
30/03/2020 |
Russia |
Russian |
02/03/2020 |
25/03/2020 |
English |
02/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
Serbia |
Serbian |
14/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
Switzerland |
German |
26/03/2020 |
26/03/2020 |
French |
Ordonnance 2 sur les mesures destinées à lutter contre le coronavirus |
26/03/2020 |
26/03/2020 |
Italian |
26/03/2020 |
26/03/2020 |
Thailand |
Thai |
Export controls for masks (medical masks, disposable masks for industry and disposable dust masks) |
04/02/2020 |
25/03/2020 |
Turkey |
Turkish |
Ihrac? yasak ve ön izne ba?l? mallara ili?kin tebli? (ihracat: 96/31)’de de?i?iklik yap?lmas?na dair tebli? (ihracat: 2020/4) (Notice (export:2020/4) on the introduction of the modifications to the notice on goods, which export is prohibited or needs an additional licence (export : 96/31)) |
04/03/2020 |
27/03/2020 |
Ukraine |
Ukrainian |
????????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ? 214 ??? 11 ??????? 2020 (Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.214 dated on 11 March 2020) |
11/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
United Kingdom |
English |
20/03/2020 |
26/03/2020 |
Vietnam |
English |
11/03/2020 |
24/03/2020 |
Kindly supplied by the World Customs Organization
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