Official guide to investment opportunities in Brazil

30 October 2013

A just released official guide to investment opportunities in Brazil from Chamber International

Here’s your opportunity to get ahead of the competition by seeking out brand new investment opportunities in Brazil. Through our government contacts in Brazil we are delighted to be one of the first organisations to obtain a ‘hot-off-the-press’ copy of the latest official guide to scores of significant investment opportunities there.

 The 176-page guide enables Chamber International clients to be among the very first to discover scores of investment opportunities in diverse sectors including audiovisual, education, energy, franchising, real estate, logistics, healthcare, IT and tourism drawn together from Brazilian government departments and the country’s private sector.

The guide says that with an area of 8.5m sq. kilometers, 195m inhabitants, a strong democracy and reduced investment costs, the country is an attractive proposition for international investors.

While the global economy’s growth has been flat or negative since the 2008 financial crisis, Brazil saw a 75% GDP increase in 2010. Recent figures show slower growth of 0.9% in 2012 since which there have been long-term signs that further Government stimulus measures will generate greater future expansion.

Chamber International director, Tim Bailey, says: “Brazil is increasingly attractive to overseas investors. Being among the very first to obtain a copy of this official guide is a coup for Chamber International and a chance for our clients to steal-a-march with some of the investment opportunities.”

Download your copy here

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