Notice to exporters 2018/17: Argentina export control policy updated
28 June 2018
The restrictions imposed in 2012 on military and dual use exports to military end users in Argentina have changed. Under those restrictions, it has been the UK government’s policy not to grant an export licence for any military or dual use goods and technology being supplied to military end users in Argentina, except in exceptional circumstances.
Since the election of President Macri in December 2015, the UK’s relationship with Argentina has been improving, with closer co-operation across our bilateral relationship. Following these positive developments, the government believes it is appropriate now to lift the additional restrictions that were imposed in 2012.
In a written statement to the House of Commons and House of Lords, the government set out a revised policy.
Our general position now will be to continue to refuse licences for export and trade of goods judged to enhance Argentine military capability. However, where like-for-like equipment is no longer available, we may grant licences where we judge they are not detrimental to the UK’s defence and security interests.
Licence applications for equipment and defence technology which meet the above criteria will still be assessed on a case by case basis against the consolidated EU and national arms export licensing criteria.
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