Notice to exporters 2017/29: 9 open licences amended - confirmation
18 December 2017
As a result of amendments to the EU dual-use export control list in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009, which came into force on 16 December 2017, the export control organisation has updated 9 open general licences:
- export after exhibition: dual-use items
- export after repair/replacement under warranty: dual-use items
- export for repair/replacement under warranty: dual-use items
- dual-use items: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- low value shipments
- oil and gas exploration: dual-use items
- technology for dual-use items
- Turkey
- cryptographic development
The changes to the OGELs came into force on the same day.
A summary of the proposed changes to the control lists can be found on the European Commission’s website.
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