Last call for Grants towards special training to help businesses manage post Brexit trade

14 June 2021


More than £20,000 in grants has been leveraged by Chamber International, from the SME Brexit Support Fund administered by Price Waterhouse Coopers, to help companies pay for special training and consultancy needed to deal with the increased complexities of EU trade. 

The individual grants, of up to £2,000, are available to businesses that have been based in the UK for at least 12 months, or hold Authorised Economic Operator Status (AEOS), with fewer than 500 staff, a turnover below £500m and trade between the UK and EU or move goods between the UK and Northern Ireland. 

The grants can be used towards training on issues including how to complete customs declarations, how to manage customs processes and use customs software and systems; specific import and export aspects; including VAT, excise and rules of origin and professional advice to meet customs, excise, import VAT or safety and security declaration requirements. 

Chamber International, which continues to support businesses with the new hard border requirements introduced a special support ‘bundle’ of key workshops and one-on-one time with senior trade advisors to help traders achieve maximum benefit from the grants. The series of Brexit Has Happened workshops ran successfully in May and are being repeated in July and August. Dates for the workshops, which will be held virtually, are Rules of Origin, July 6 and August 10; Customs Duty and Management, July 6 and August 10; Customs Record Keeping and Requirements July 8 and August 11. 

Chamber International Digital Manager, Carla Assunção says: “Businesses need to act fast as the fund closes on the June 30. Claims can be submitted up to 2 months after applying and by August 30. It is a simple, quick online application process and we can help if needed.”


Email Carla for further information:


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