GCC States Trade Embargo with Qatar

8 June 2017


On 4 June 2017, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar. This has led to closures affecting road, air and sea routes between these countries and Qatar, as well as travel and residence restrictions affecting Qatari nationals. Restrictions on entry to the UAE have also been placed on certain holders of Qatari Residence Permits. These restrictions don’t apply to British nationals.

As of 6 June 2017, the land border between Qatar and Saudi Arabia is closed. All flights between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain are suspended until further notice. These measures are likely to lead to some disruption for travellers in the region. You should check with your airline before you travel. Direct flights to and from the UK aren’t affected.

Travellers should also check with the FCO Travel Advice for Qatar which is being updated regularly.

Trade with Qatar is similarly affected by the closure of ports and road borders to Qatar bound shipments. Companies with goods in transit to Qatar should check with their shipping and handling agents to determine how best to ensure the shipments can reach Qatar. Local shipping agents in Qatar can advise on what new routes are proving most reliable and effective. Local shipping contacts will be posted on the BCCQ website shortly.

For companies that have future business in Qatar, the Qatar government have emphasised that their ports and the airport remain open and they are operating business as usual.

The British Chamber of Commerce in Qatar judges the embargo to be only temporary in nature but it is not possible to say how long it will continue. Further information will be displayed as and when the situation changes.


Kindly supplied by the British Chamber of Commerce Qatar


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More on the GCC States Trade Embargo with Qatar here