Exporting to Saudi Arabia - Enforcement of SASO Technical Regulation for Degradable Plastic Products
20 November 2017
SASO has recently announced the enforcement of the SASO Technical Regulation (SASO TR) for Degradable Plastic Products. This SASO TR aims at ensuring that disposable plastic products made of poly-propylene and poly-ethylene with film thickness of less than or equal to 250microns that are generally used for packaging, such as carrier bags, wraps and other similar applications, must be of the oxo-biodegradable type.
All Degradable plastic products being imported or locally manufactured in Saudi Arabia as a final product must bear the below “Oxo-biodegradable” logo.
The list of plastic products covered by this SASO TR can be found by clicking here.
The implementation of this SASO TR commenced on the 9th July 2017, however SASO has given a grace period until 12th December 2017 for Exporters/Importers to ensure that their products comply based upon an undertaking letter issued by the Exporter/Importer to this effect.
Contact our specialists on 0845 034 7200 or by email for further details.
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