Enhance your understanding with new series of workshops from EEN

A series of training workshops to help exporting businesses gain a better understanding of overseas trade procedures are being held in West Yorkshire by Enterprise Europe Network Yorkshire (EEN) this autumn.

The workshops, to be held in Bradford and Leeds from October through to December, are the first series launched by Chamber International since it became a partner in the EEN earlier this year.

The Bradford events are being held at City Hub in the commercial centre of the city and the Leeds workshops are being held at accountants and business advisers, Baker Tilley, at Whitehall Quay, Leeds.

The diary for the workshops, which are being underwritten with European Commission funding, is: October 23, What’s New? Changes in international trade, Leeds; November 20, Basic Imports, Bradford; November 26, UK Export Controls, Bradford; December 8, AEO Overview, Leeds.

Chamber International director, Tim Bailey, says: “The workshops are funded by the EU which reduces the attendance cost by 95% for delegates from eligible companies. We are advising businesses to book early due to the limited number of places available”.

Exporters wanting more information about the workshops, or to book places,  should email EEN coordinator Joseph Kovacs , call Chamber International on 0845-034-7200 or click here to book online.

Chamber International assists chambers of commerce with a wide range of specialist international trade services and is also supporting Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) by delivering its We Are International export campaign, which aims to being an extra £1.6bn to ten local authority areas and create thousands of new jobs in the next five years.

To book your place in our export networking events, click here.

Download the EEN new training courses brochure here.

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