ECO steps up ban on exports to Russia
20 August 2014
MORE export restrictions to Russia have been announced in the wake of the EU’s announcement of sanctions after the annexing of the Ukraine and shooting down of flight MH17
The Export Control organisation (ECO) has now added the country to the list of prohibited destinations for a series of export licences. These are:
- Access Overseas to Software and Technology for Military Use
- Historic Military Goods
- Military Surplus Vehicles
- International Non-Proliferation Regime Decontrol: Military Items
- Military and Dual-Use Goods: UK Forces deployed in non-embargoed destinations
- Transhipment Licence (Sporting Guns)
- Open General Trade Control Licence (Category C Goods)
- Open General Trade Control Licence (Trade and Transportation: Small Arms and Light Weapons)
- Open General Trade Control Licence (Maritime Anti-Piracy)
In addition, the Open General Trade Control Licence (Category C Goods) and the Open General Trade Control Licence (Trade and Transportation: Small Arms and Light Weapons) have also been updated to include South Sudan under the list of prohibited destinations.
Russia, Syria and Libya have also been specifically named under point (1) of Schedule 2 on both these trade control licences which cover restrictions on importing, buying, procuring or transporting licensable goods from sanctioned destinations into the EU.
A new detailed information Q&A sheet to help exporters understand the implications of the new sanctions against Russia has been issued and can be seen at: Russia Sanctions FAQ August 2014
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