China announces consumer goods import tariff cuts from 1 December
28 November 2017
On Wednesday 22 November, China's customs bureau received written instruction from the State Council to temporarily cut import tariffs for a wide range of consumer goods, from the start of next month.
Tariffs on products in 187 categories including food, health supplements, pharmaceuticals, clothing and recreational goods will be reduced to an average of 7.7 per cent from 17.3 per cent, and tariffs on some types of baby milk powder and nappies will be reduced to zero.
“This round of cuts concentrates on products in short supply domestically and will provide more choice for domestic consumers and guide the upgrade of domestic supplies,” the ministry said.
The changes affect tariff rates only – VAT on imported goods does not change.
The communique included a list of 187 commodity codes affected by this change (full PDF available here). The key column headings may be translated as follows.
Column 3 Commodity code
Column 4 Commodity description
Column 5 2017 Most Favoured Nation (MFN) tariff rate
Column 6 Tariff rate beginning from 1 December
For further information, or help regarding the list, contact Chamber International's China specialist Matthew Grandage on 07851 254231 or by email.
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