BCC: new momentum needed from both sides for Brexit breakthrough
28 June 2018
Commenting ahead of the European Council meeting, where Prime Minister Theresa May is due to address other EU leaders tonight (Thursday), Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:
“While businesses won’t get the clarity and certainty they had sought from this European Council meeting, a new sense of momentum and drive is needed from both sides so that a breakthrough can be reached in the coming weeks.
“Uncertainty is knocking business confidence and preventing many businesses from developing future plans. Far too many investments have quietly been delayed or side-lined, by both SMEs and major corporates alike.
“Businesses of all sizes expect the UK government to stop the public bickering and business-bashing, and demonstrate unity and purpose as it negotiates with the EU27. European leaders, in turn, should give their negotiators more leeway to make a pragmatic deal with the UK that’s in the interests of all parties.
“Businesses want an end to uncertainty and a deal that supports trade between the UK and the EU27 – and it’s time for the government to deliver.”
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